For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”
Luke 19:10
God is blessing the ministry of these teams — over 4.6 million people have now watched the JESUS film in South America in the last 22 years. Through JESUS Film Harvest Partners, over 570,000 people have accepted Christ as their Savior and now live for Him in South America!
New believer in Chile: “I grew up in a Christian home in Venezuela where I regularly attended church. However, in my teen years, I pursued many rebellious things in search of satisfaction. I moved to Chile where I watched the JESUS film and realized I needed God in my life. I accepted Him into my heart. It was a decision I made on my own and not because of my parents’ relationship with God. Now I regularly attend the discipleship classes and Preaching Point begun in my neighborhood.”
“My husband died a few months ago. I didn’t want to live without him. I became very despondent, depressed, and began considering suicide. When the Magdalena film was shown in my neighborhood, I realized God loves me and cares for me. I gave my heart and life to Christ and now want to live and share this Good News with others.” —Nelida, 69-years-old
“I thought I was a Christian, but I now realize I was not always a Christ-like example. My daughter accepted Christ into her heart and became a witness to me of how to live my life for Christ! In the JESUS film, I saw the sacrifice Christ made on the cross for me and decided to give my life totally to Him, not just in words, but also in actions. Before, I was obstinate and would easily become upset with people. God has transformed my life!” —Marcelis
“I am the mother of four children. My husband beat me several times a week, but I did not want to leave him because he provides food and shelter for our family. A friend invited me to watch the JESUS film. When I saw Jesus’ sacrifice for me on the cross, I asked Him to forgive my sins. I want to live for Him the rest of my life. I now pray for my husband to come to Christ so we can worship Him together.” —Jasmine
JESUS Film Harvest Partners (JFHP) is a Kingdom-building ministry devoted to world evangelism through the JESUS film and other tools. JFHP equips and supports JESUS Film Teams of local people to do evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.
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