Follow-up and discipleship are vital to evangelism.

The process involves a volunteer from your church helping a new Christian grow in their faith.

STEP ONE: Visit After Showing JESUS

  • The volunteer should be trained and prepared to visit the viewer with confidence and ease. If the film was delivered in person, the same person should do the follow-up visit. The visit should begin with a casual conversation, followed by a discussion about the viewer’s impression of the film.
  • The volunteer should then ask if the viewer prayed the salvation prayer after the film. If so, the volunteer should equip the new believer with a Bible and set a time to visit them the following week.

STEP TWO: Pick a Bible Study

  • The week after the volunteer leaves the initial follow-up literature, the volunteer should take the first of a series of Bible lessons to the new believer.
  • Suggested Study: “Basic Bible Studies for New and Growing Christians”. Other discipleship studies can be found here.
  • “Basic Bible Studies for New and Growing Christians” can be purchased from the Foundry or by phone: 1-800-877-0700.

STEP THREE: Developing a Mentoring Relationship

  • Each week the volunteer will walk the new believer through the next lesson of a Bible study. The volunteer should attempt to gently guide the new Christian in their faith as needs and questions arise.
  • It is helpful to recommend the new believer to read the Bible each day, beginning in Luke, keep a journal, and attend a small group or Bible study at church. After a few weeks in the small group, the new believer may be ready to attend a worship service.

STEP FOUR: Spiritual Development

  • The mentor should work with the new believer to find a daily study to follow the initial Bible study.