🙌 Will you pray with us this June? 🙌

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)

June - Week 1

Prayer Points

  • Praise God that Bolivia team #5 has been able to bring the Good News to prisons, shelters, cities, and schools!
  • Pray that God will continue to provide opportunities in new places for JESUS Film teams to share the gospel.
  • Teams request prayers for strength and obedience to God as He opens doors and prompts their hearts to continue in their ministry.

June - Week 2

Prayer Points

  • Pray that God would graciously turn hearts toward Him and many will accept Jesus as their personal Savior.
  • Teams request prayer for their leaders to endure through difficulties of sharing the gospel in areas that are hard to reach.
  • Colombia team #3 praises God for allowing them to continue growing their ministry through training leaders in various fields and creating new opportunities to share the Good News!
Three years ago, I was diagnosed with advanced stage breast cancer. It was a devastating and scary time for me and my family. I remember experiencing a mixture of emotions: fear, uncertainty, and deep sadness. Something began to change inside me. Despite the trials and challenges, I found strength and hope in a group of brothers who came to my house one day to teach me the Bible using short clips from the Magdalena film that helped me in my faith in God.

The brothers prayed for me and I began to seek their guidance in my situation. It helped me to trust that, regardless of the outcome, Jesus would be by my side. During the process, I experienced the unconditional love and support of my family, siblings, church, and friends. They surrounded me with their prayers and words of encouragement, which brought me comfort in the darkest moments. Months passed and, little by little, I began to notice improvements in my health. Medical examinations revealed positive responses to treatment, and doctors were surprised at how quickly it was progressing. That's when I knew something special was happening.

After a long and arduous road, I received the news I longed for: the doctors found no trace of cancer in my body! I was overwhelmed with deep gratitude and joy. I knew I was a living testimony of God’s goodness and healing power. Today, I share my testimony as proof that healing is possible, even in the most difficult moments. I firmly believe that God worked a miracle in my life and I am grateful for every day I have the opportunity to live.

Rosa, Colombia

June - Week 3

Prayer Points

  • Praise God that JESUS Film teams have been able to share the gospel with countless people, resulting in the restoration of marriages and families through Bible study!
  • Pray for protection and safety of the teams as they face unpredictable changes to their climate and terrain.
  • Teams request prayer for health and the renewal of strength for leaders so they do not grow weary as they continue to faithfully serve.

June - Week 4

Prayer Points

  • Pray for a return to peace and stability after decades of corruption, dictatorships, and terror.
  • Praise God that teams in Peru were able to reach many people with the JESUS film and many other tools.
  • Pray that God continues to guide the steps of team members and that He will fill their hearts with passion to complete the work He has called them to.
Thank you for continuing to pray for the 1,166 JESUS Film teams!
 How can we pray for you?  Share your needs here